The United States is commonly presented as a nation-state founded on the basis o

The United States is commonly presented as a nation-state founded on the basis of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Islam is almost never mentioned as a tradition that possibly contributed to the formation of the American republic. Do you share that view? ”
The topic of each paper will be posted on Desire2Learn one week
before the paper is due. The paper should be double space, a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5
pages long. Students are expected to use at least a total of 5 academic references (reference journal articles or books) in their papers.
The paper will be graded based on 5 criteria: content, language/clarity,
references, organization and completeness. Late papers will not be accepted unless accompanied by a documented excuse.
The purpose of the papers and the library paper is two-fold: 1) To stimulate students to think more
profoundly about questions covered in the course and formulate their ideas on them; 2) To help
students write effectively an historical essay
Juliane Hammer & Omid Safi (ed.),
The Cambridge Companion to American Islam, Cambridge University Press, 2013 – ISBN: 978-0-521-17552-4.
The use of generative AI tools is prohibited in this course in the following situations: If one fifth (25%) of the writing assignment has already made use of generative AI; To compose one or more full paragraphs from the final copy submitted as part of a writing assignment.
In all cases content generated by AI is a “source” and should be cited appropriately. AI is an
example of a type of source that must be cited and cannot stand in for the student’s own work.

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