Part I: Construct a grid (chart) to describe separately basic coverage under Med

Part I: Construct a grid (chart) to describe separately basic coverage under Medicaid and Medicare, parts A,B,C,D. Please be careful not to confuse the basic coverage under parts A, B, C, and D. What are the key changes in both programs under the ACA? A narrative need to be included explaining the grid (chart) . What are the basic proposed differences between the two Presidential candidates representing
the Democratic and Republic parties on reproductive health. Discuss how reproductive health is politicized and how each candidate politicized it. How do the political parties view Medicare or Medicaid or health care in general?
Part II: Give your analysis/opinion of how reproductive health health disparities, the uninsured, immigrants, and students are addressed in Medicare and Medicaid. How are these areas addressed. What would you change to improve access, cost, and quality? You must include at least ten (10) peer reviewed journal
articles for this assignment.

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