Describe the problem of homeless and the shortage of affordable and accessible h

Describe the problem of homeless and the shortage of affordable and accessible housing as well as identify patterns of the mortgage crisis. Based on readings and PowerPoint presentations, post a question to your classmates on a topic and respond to at least two questions posted by classmates.
Discussion Requirements and Expectations:
*****PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS!!! Your discussions will be graded critically. Please pay close attention to the following:
Citation and references list must be in APA 7 format.
You must post your initial response and reply to two (2) of your colleagues before midnight by the times indicated in the deliverables section for the current week in Blackboard. Each initial response must be no less than 300 words with two (2) citations (No quotes), and each colleague response should be no less than 175 words, with one citation (No quotes).

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