This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to briefly summarize it

  You must submit a 2-3 page of the assigned journal article readings from this module. This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to briefly summarize it. In other words, do not make your own argument in the summary papers (, instead summarize the study or key arguments the author(s) is making. 

Journal Article Reading: 

Schuck, A. M., & Rabe-Hemp, C. (2019). Inequalities regimes in policing: Examining the connection between social exclusion and order maintenance strategies. Race and Justice, 9(3), 228?250.


  • *Rogers, R., Blackwood, H. L., Fiduccia, C. E., Steadham, J. A., Drogin, E. Y., &Rogstad, J. E. (2012). Juvenile Miranda warnings perfunctory rituals or procedural safeguards? Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39(3), 229?249.


  • Wilson, J. Q., & Kelling, G. L. (1982). Broken windows. Atlantic Monthly, 249(3), 29?38.

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