People often seek the assistance of coaches for support when they are trying to make positive changes in life.


People often seek the assistance of coaches for support when they are trying to make positive changes in life. These changes can be as simple as arriving at work on time each day or more complex objectives encompassing time or life management, motivation, decision making, lifelong learning, and behavior modification.



Last week, you helped your coachee identify a couple of professional objectives and the importance of those objectives. This week, continue to discuss with your coachee the relevance of the objectives you have identified as priorities. What short-term and long-term benefits might your coachee realize when these objectives are achieved? Is your coachee facing any challenges, roadblocks, or resistance? Is your coachee fearful or resistant, on any level, to make changes necessary to achieve these objectives? What does the coachee need to do to overcome the challenges, fear, or resistance?

As you ask meaningful and thought-provoking questions, gently guide your coachee to the answers that lie within. Avoid directing your coachee or offering solutions before the coachee has had ample time to explore and develop answers and solutions. The focus of this weeks session is not on developing action plans to achieve the objectives. Rather, it is to assess the things that might prevent the coachee from achieving them.

For this second coaching session, submit a coaching report that provides the following information:

Recap the coaching session (1 to 2 pages)
Where did the session occur?
When did it occur?
Who was being coached?
Who was the coach?
Summarize the conversation. Who said what?
Any key details about the relationship or interaction that need to be recorded? (e.g., impressions, difficulties, opportunities, things that were missed, things to explore in the future, boundaries, parameters, etc.).

Analyzed the short- and long-term benefits to the coachee for achieving the objectives ( to 1 page).


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