“My Flamboyant Grandson,” by George Saunders

  • Technological Control: In both stories, technology plays a pervasive role in shaping society. In “My Flamboyant Grandson,” the grandfather’s world is increasingly dominated by technology, from the ubiquitous use of screens to the development of virtual reality experiences. In “Brave New World,” the World Controllers use technology to engineer and control every aspect of society, from the genetic makeup of citizens to their social conditioning.
  • Loss of Human Connection: Both stories depict a society where technology has eroded traditional human connections and replaced them with superficial or artificial interactions. In “My Flamboyant Grandson,” the grandfather struggles to connect with his grandson in a world that is increasingly mediated by technology. In “Brave New World,” the citizens are conditioned to value pleasure and stability over deep emotional connections.
  • Questioning of Identity: Both stories explore the ways in which technology can challenge traditional notions of identity and self-expression. In “My Flamboyant Grandson,” the grandson’s flamboyant persona is a form of rebellion against the conformity and uniformity of his society. In “Brave New World,” the citizens’ identities are largely determined by their genetic makeup and social conditioning.

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