The student will conduct a scientific literature review using various web-based

The student will conduct a scientific literature review using various web-based search engines, develop a literature matrix, and write a scholarly paper that briefly summarizes the literature that addresses the DNP clinical problem. Use the same problem statement and purpose statement from Assignment 2 for the DNP Project. The purpose of this assignment is to … Read more

Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5 standards and CSS standards. DO NOT use obsolete HTML elements and attributes from previous versions of HTML. By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your webpages, and validating all of your HTML files here, you can be sure that your code

Make sure all of your web pages comply with the HTML 5 standards and CSS standards. DO NOT use obsolete HTML elements and attributes from previous versions of HTML. By including the HTML 5 DOCTYPE declaration in your webpages, and validating all of your HTML files here, you can be sure that your code complies … Read more

Class:  You may find newer and older resources listed each week in the Lessons and Assignments; however, the older resources are still relevant in content and concept

 Explain the 10/90 Rule (PowerPoint) Please note, points will be deducted for overuse of citations. Please read the information related to this weeks points and paraphrase it and/or provide your thoughts and ideas on what it means to you in relationship to the knowledge that you have thus far. Assignment Instructions: Class:  You may find … Read more

Looking at apps that are out there to help with teens there are many different things out there to help the adolescents

 Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different digital or web-based intervention than you and explain whether you would use the intervention in your practice. Why or why not?  Make sure to provide APA references and citations and a reference list. 1-Andrea-  Looking at apps that are out there to help with teens … Read more